24 March 2012

Marcio Mascarenhas..

Marcio Mascarenhas and Rasmus Vasli welcomed by Solent.
20/03/12 - today in our representation lecture, two guest speakers came to speak to us about their studies, early career and interest in photography.

Both with a very different approach to portraiture, Brazilian artist, Marcio Mascarenhas firstly spoke to us about his background of working in communication and development formed by his strong interest in fine art and cultural studies.
His main practice being photography, he also experiments with installations and through these explores subjects to do with gender, race and identity.
''In fact his pictures (or installations) are not obvious at all, instead they try to deconstruct the obviousness to let the viewer experience a wold completely disengaged from the values we are used to.''
Quote taken from his website. www.marciomascarenhas.com

Marcio showed us three series of his work,
'I as an Other', 'The Bodies I Live In' and 'Some Unholy War.'  

My favourite photographs were from his I as an Other.
This collection primarily focuses on the ideas of identity and and the self as always being part of someone else.  He spoke about photography as being a form of communication and this specific project ''raises questions about the moment when we feel the other as part of the self, how the I and the Other are part of the process of being.'' (Quote from Marcio)

His love for aesthetically pleasing images really came across when speaking to us, he said that he has a 'fetishism for beauty that photography brings' and he created this work for his own ego - to show that he 'can shoot a beautiful picture'.

The high contrast, studio shot, black and white images could be considered as quite post-modern as the whole idea of his project was to break the conventional rules and create something a bit out of the ordinary.  

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