20 February 2012

WK2. Structure & Diet

Lectures this week have helped a lot with explaining to me about how we will physically construct our exhibition reviews.  Tutors have given us tips on writing structures, what to include and how we can split down the text into smaller parts - allocating a flexible word count to each 'section'. 
- Write in the 3rd person (Don't use 'I', 'Me' or 'My' etc..)
- Be more creative when writing and avoid repeating the same words too often.
- Use correct terminology.

My New Diet Plan

  • Firstly, to make a noticeable change to my lifestyle I need to become more active by partaking in more independent learning outside of Uni.
  • Determination and commitment are key factors!
  • Begin to introduce new texts and forms of media. 
  • Think of it as a new food plan, packing in all the correct nutrients that I need for success and a broader awareness of what is happening in the professional photographic industry.
  • Make sure I get a varied nutrition by consuming all sorts of publications such as journals, books and websites as well as audio and video products.
  • To keep my metabolism high, start this new plan by visiting the library weekly and try to read different magazines/journals such as 'Source', 'Image', 'Photoicon' and 'Fotomagazin'.
  • Keep up to date with the latest tips and articles that are available for me.
  • For better results track my progress every week (through this blog) and write about new things that I have discovered.  If necessary I can then make adjustments to my new diet.
Hopefully this should give me a healthy start to a new lifestyle which will allow me to exercise and build on my general knowledge of what is happening within the wider photographic and current artistic movement.

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