24 April 2012

Interest of Pinterest.

I've been meaning to post about my latest discovery PINTEREST now for a few weeks.  
I came across this website after seeing one of my friends post something on 'pinterest'.. I thought to myself.. 'What is pinterest?'  So, out of curiosity I searched for it and then later signed up to create my own account.
It is an online application, similar to this blog but more about visuals rather than having sections of text accompanying the images.
What I like about it is that it is
 so active, after creating my 'pinterest' it added a 'pin it' button to my tab bar along the top, meaning I can click it at any time, 'pinning' pretty much anything I want.

First of all I had to create what is called my 'pinboards'.  This is the individual sections of the blog, I created different themes so that I can then add my chosen image into whatever one is most appropriate.
I decided to target specific areas which I knew I would use a lot such as 'Photography' and 'Favourite Recipes'.  I thought it would also be a good idea to add some broader titles such as 'things which interest me' and 'my style', something which I can be less restricted with when it comes to content.

A bit like twitter, you can follow other friends that are using pinterest and also like and share any other 'pins' which people add.

I am getting used to the idea of using this type of blog and think it will be a great and easy way to archive anything I see which interests me.